I am a missionary seeking God's will and purpose in my life. I am a seeker of truth and justice. I am a daughter of the living God. I want to share with you the things God is doing around the world and in me. I hope to be an encouragement in your faith and that you will continue to see God's miracles that he dose everyday. Thank you to all who have joined me in reading and supporting me on this journey.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Stepping out

Stepping out of my comfort zone is what I call being in Romania. My mentality was I would never go to a country that I don't know the language. I always thought to myself "what am I going to do there?" I would feel helpless. I had such a a bad attitude about leaving Central America and coming to Romania. I felt like God was not going to use me in other countries that I don't know the Language. But, I know he called me on the World Race to challenge me in that way...
Well, yesterday we went in to 2 villages, one was Hungarian and the other a Gypsy.  The Gypsy's really captured my heart. The kids were amazing. I was able to love on them and play with them. I loved giving them all hugs and kisses. Then I saw a couple of women sitting off by the rail road track that was about 10 feet away from where we were doing the children's ministry. I went up to them and told them that they were all beautiful because since that is all I knew how to say. But, I knew that many people don't tell them how beautiful they are. That is how God sees them with his eyes. They are his beautiful children of God. I was also able to pray for a couple of them women. It was an amazing day for me. To be a witness of His love for His people. 
Then today we did evangelizing in the city and I met and amazing teenager named David. My friend Leigh and I were just walking around letting God lead us to who he wanted us to talk to. So, I went up to David and asked him if he spoke English, and he did!! Then I just started to ask him about school and how he knows English. He was a very nice kid that loved making friends. Then I started to ask him about church and if he goes. He said only on Easter and Christmas. Then I was able to tell him what it meant to have a personal relationship with God. You could see his eyes start to water. But you could also see how open his heart was to hear what we had to say. I told him I know how hard it is to follow God when you are a teenager, but that he should keep pushing. That God wanted a relationship with him and that God was going to do amazing things in his life. Then we were able to pray for him. My heart really went out for this kid. I ask that you all keep him in your prayers that he will one day come to God. Also, please continue to pray that God will continue to break the heart of this nation.  

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