I am a missionary seeking God's will and purpose in my life. I am a seeker of truth and justice. I am a daughter of the living God. I want to share with you the things God is doing around the world and in me. I hope to be an encouragement in your faith and that you will continue to see God's miracles that he dose everyday. Thank you to all who have joined me in reading and supporting me on this journey.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

In the Wilderness

In the wilderness? 

Don't tell me your life has always been perfect and you have never been through season of just nothing happening. Where you feel stuck and God is having you wait. Of course not we all have been there. So this is why I share this to 

I have been in a season of waiting. A season of being still. There is those feelings where you ask "God where are you?" and yes I know His word says He is always with us. 
But He is SILENT...
But He is there

Something as humans we don't like
Especially as American's we have become 
a culture of self gratification
We want it now culture.

In this season I have learned 

To not give up.

More then ever
hold onto 
His promises.

Being a Christian is not an easy road. There is always those season that we go through. Some of those really test our faith. But in those times is when God is growing us the most to TRUST Him. 

You are LOVED by the King of Kings 
He loves you
too much
to let 

<3 p="">

Monday, October 6, 2014

I will Follow

Luke 18:22 tells us when Jesus was speaking and said sell everything and follow me. 

Matthew 28:19 talks about going and making disciples of all nations. 

I have a question did Jesus come in a BMW? No in fact in a donkey which was one of the lowest and humbling things for a king like him. When Jesus asked His disciples to leave their lives behind Jesus did not have anything. I am sure he must looked like a man that was completely dirty and did not have the latest clothes. 

How can we as Westerners go out into the world and expect others to leave everything behind when we don't leave our own comforts, but we bring them with us. 

We live way better then the locals. It has become a western culture to go out and so easily find luxury. Then we ask the people there to leave everything behind (when they have nothing) and follow Jesus. 

We need to be an example. As the old saying says "Actions speak louder then words." 

Are you living by example or just words?