I am a missionary seeking God's will and purpose in my life. I am a seeker of truth and justice. I am a daughter of the living God. I want to share with you the things God is doing around the world and in me. I hope to be an encouragement in your faith and that you will continue to see God's miracles that he dose everyday. Thank you to all who have joined me in reading and supporting me on this journey.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Faith is all I Have

Faith is all I have to tell you the truth. There is somedays in my life where I want to give up and just forget about doing missions work. I don't even know if I could go back to the transition of being in another country and then coming back to America to start my life over again. I am not sure if my heart will be able to take the pain any more of the trials and spiritual warfare that goes on. I don't know if I still have that love to love those that don't love me back. My heart just hurts thinking about it. I say to myself am I ready for another heartbreak? I just don't know sometimes... Then I start to doubt what God has promised me and his plans. I don't think I am strong enough to do this anymore. Maybe I should just give up on theses dreams. 

I know these are some things we all go through day to day. We doubt what God can truly do in us through his power and love. We think we are to weak or unworthy of the plans that He has set out for us and we are! But he gives it to us any ways because of his grace and love for us. I know God can use me but sometimes I just doubt that. Sometimes I just don't want to go there because I am too scared or I know it will be too hard. Yes, living a Christian live is not easy. No one ever said it will be easy even if you look in the bible. But we are human and that is just the way we think. I am a perfect example of that. 

Recently I have had all of these doubts about going to Guatemala. I did not want to go because I wanted to do things the easy way. I wanted to stay in my comfort zone and live in the same life I have always known. I am so tired of change and more change! I want some stability for once in my life, well don't we all, right? Then God spoke to me "what is that burning passion I have given you?" "Have you lost heart?" Then one of my friends wrote this to me 1 minute later ‎"And do not let us grow weary while doing good, but in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." -Galatians 6:9  I knew God was speaking to me then. I had forgotten what I was meant for. What I was made for! What he created me for! 

It is so easy to loose sight of what God has for us. Satan dose that! Lately Satan has been attacking me all the way from Guatemala in huge ways. But you know what brothers and sister I REJOICE because he is threaten by me. I know that there is great work to be done this coming year in Guatemala. God is good!

Please join me in prayer during this time in the states for me. That I will not grow weary, but that i will grow and put on that armor to go out to the nations and bring KINGDOM!! 

Thank you! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying for you Damaris! I'm so thankful that God doesn't tell us what to do and then abandon us to try and figure things out on our own, but rather He chooses to walk WITH us. He is with you now, leading you step by step. And even in those times of heartache and pain, He is shaping you, growing you, stretching you. God is working in you for His good purpose. He has such good plans for you! You are beautiful, His radiant daughter. And you are loved so much. :)

    Eph. 3:20-21
