I am a missionary seeking God's will and purpose in my life. I am a seeker of truth and justice. I am a daughter of the living God. I want to share with you the things God is doing around the world and in me. I hope to be an encouragement in your faith and that you will continue to see God's miracles that he dose everyday. Thank you to all who have joined me in reading and supporting me on this journey.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Today I was reflecting on this year on returning from living in India to joining a new ministry, I realized more and more that His was are not our ways.
Missions has always been a burning desire and passion I have had since I became a Christian 10 years ago. For me my ideal dream as a follower was living out of a backpack for the rest of my life and traveling the world to make His name known (I know I'm a bit of a gypsy). So I pretty much did that for the past 6 years of my walk with the Lord. However, God kept redirecting my steps, but I know no time was wasted as every experience was to build my character to the destiny God had called me to.
Returning from India God made if very clear that He was doing a "new thing." First He had me go to a new church which was terrifying and to step into a whole new ministry, woah lots of change! To tell you the truth it was not easy because I was comfortable where I was, so I ran like Jonah for a couple of months. Then I kept running like Jonah from the new ministry God has called me to because it was not what I wanted it to look like. In my mind it needed to look like what my plans were not working with orphans... So, He brought people to come and talk to me randomly out of no where. Even before they would talk I would say " don't even tell me you came to tell me about the orphanage? " Seriously God has a sense of humor, he did create humor!
Then I finally surrendered and told God I would do anything He asks me to do. He told me that I was moving to the orphanage in Mexico in June I said "yes!" I was even willing to go alone and was planning to do it all by myself. But without sharing or even asking people to come help He brought people that were 150% committed to carry on this vision He put on my heart. I did not even have to try God was the one opening the doors and bringing the people He has called to this. I now have the most incredible team!
Then today while looking at my journal I found this page where God was speaking to me during my prayer time and it was talking about the orphanage how I will be serving and loving the chosen not the abandoned, but the CHOSEN and ADOPTED by Him. What an honor! Also on the other side was a picture I drew a couple years back and it said CHOSEN and ADOPTED, wow! Sometimes I just draw things that come to mind and this was so appropriate hahaha...
It's such a sweet gift from the Lord to be lead by Him and knowing His voice. He always wants to give us good gifts but we have to be willing to do what is uncomfortable, not easy, and sometimes it not what we had in mind. But we can TRUST Him because He always knows best wink emoticon He has truly given me His best and working now with the people I work within ministry has been the biggest gift. It's amazing!