I am a missionary seeking God's will and purpose in my life. I am a seeker of truth and justice. I am a daughter of the living God. I want to share with you the things God is doing around the world and in me. I hope to be an encouragement in your faith and that you will continue to see God's miracles that he dose everyday. Thank you to all who have joined me in reading and supporting me on this journey.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Keep Walking...

I know I have not written a blog in a long time. So much has been going on in my life, but through all of it God is good!

I wanted to share how God has been working in my heart and how I have been changed by His love. One of my favorite places to spend my time with God is on my hammock from Guatemala on my porch. It's kinda of a comfort to know that it came from a country that I have a heart for and miss. As I sat outside asking God to reveal what has been hindering my relationship with Him I've realized that my whole life has been a hinderance and what was drifting me away from his presence. I am a sinner! I've realized the closer I want to be with God I am just a filthy person that deserves nothing of Him. But he loves us too much that he lets us be in His presence. How could God be so good? I don't understand? At that moment I fell to my knees with a thankful heart. As tears of shamefulness fell from my face he spoke " you are my chosen, beloved, forgiven , adopted, beautiful..." I am nothing without my God!

Moving on, one of the hardest things for me is being still. Well this past year God has been making me walk when I want to run. It has been one of the most challenging things for me. As my heart and calling are in 3rd world countries. I've had the hardest time being here in America. However, God has been teaching me that there is so many lost souls here and I have been a witness to many amazing things God has done through me to bring kingdom here in the States. Well, being in one place has never been the story for me since I was 14 years old. I have always been on the go moving from city to city, country to country. As you can tell I love adventure and change. I thrive off of that. I like to experience change and be out of my comfort zone, never knowing what to expect! But I realized that no matter where I am at I can be on an adventure with Jesus. As I sat in my room one night I prayed and asked God to show me a dream of where he wants me because my heart could not take it anymore. He gave me a dream of a path that I was taking HE said "take that path and keep walking" I am already on the path where he wants me. I just have to keep walking and stop asking! I have to trust that the lord will guide my path (Proverbs 16:9). My daddy knows best! 

Everyday I have to keep dying to who I am. I just want more of HIM and less of me. He is faithful and we can trust Him. 

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